Available Courses
Virtual classes are offered using Zoom and Google slide deck for interactive discussion
3-day Virtual Advanced Healthy Home Assessment Practitioner
If you visit homes to evaluate for possible health impacts on the occupants, your knowledge of environmental exposure risks is critical. To help prepare you for this work, the "Healthy Home Assessment Practitioner" course is designed to introduce students to the process of assessing and characterizing basic environmental health and safety risks in homes. The course tuition includes the BPI Healthy Housing Principles Reference Guide along with several important reference publications to provide you with a wealth of resources to utilize in learning about healthy housing and environmental assessment concepts.
This advanced training is a comprehensive, interactive and hands-on course that teaches you the essential knowledge of the eight healthy housing principles and how to apply these important concepts when assessing and characterizing health and safety risks in homes. This course will introduce you to how to take an environmental history from clients, as well as in-home education, basic building and assessment science for home assessors, visual assessment techniques, identifying and prioritizing health and safety concerns, basic environmental measurement and sampling, and risk communication and assessment reporting best practices. When taught as a virtual class, the students will spend some time practicing a home environmental assessment using photos to represent a home applying the techniques learned. This course is partly based on the Healthy Housing Principles Reference Guide from the Building Performance Institute (BPI). This comprehensive guide is now recommended reading for anyone who touches a home.
Virtual classes are offered using Zoom and Google slide deck for interactive discussion
2-day Virtual Healthy Homes Principles and Assessment Practice for Community Health Workers, Case Managers & Health Educators
This two-day training course is ideal for health educators, case managers and community health workers who want to learn the healthy housing principles and the basic steps for healthy home assessments. The training will help you understand the connection between health and housing, and how to assess for and prioritize basic housing hazards and educate home occupants on practical solutions. The goal of healthy homes training is to take a holistic approach to identify and resolve problems that threaten the health and well-being of residents. The course utilizes and applies the eight principles of healthy housing and includes information on the best practices for environmental management of asthma. The course is based on the latest knowledge about indoor environmental health, basic assessment of health and safety hazards, how to collect an environmental history from a client, and how to communicate and educate about healthy home concerns. The training is highly interactive with students working together on various skill building exercises and includes a practice home assessment, either virtually, or at a home in the community.
In-Person Healthy Homes Assessment Classes
I offer all of my healthy home training classes as in-person classes. I come to your community and teach either basic or advanced healthy home assessment concepts in a comprehensive, interactive and hands-on format. If possible, we take the entire class to a home in the community and divide everyone into teams so they can practice applying the knowledge they learned in class. Classes also include teaching basic measurement and sampling techniques to prepare assessment professionals for performing advanced healthy home assessments. Email me to discuss bringing a class to your community.
Advanced Measurement and Sampling for Healthy Home Assessments
For some professional audiences I offer specialized advanced environmental measurement and sampling classes. These classes provide training on more advanced diagnostic testing and sample collection to support more advanced environmental health assessments. Class includes introduction to types of measurement and monitoring equipment as well as several sampling procedures. We review a variety of data types and discuss methods of data interpretation. Email me to discuss bringing this class to your organization.